Communication skills reablement
based in North Gloucestershire

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Welcome to the Talking Lab.
Whether you have a medical condition such as a stroke or progressive neurological illness, a hoarse voice or continual sore throat, or whether you want to gain confidence for a presentation or speech, the Talking Lab can help!
Areas of expertise
Speech & Language Therapy for:
- stroke & acquired brain injury
- progressive neurological illnesses such as Parkinson's, MS, MND and Multi-Systems Atrophy
- adult stammering or dysfluency
- voice disorders, recurrent laryngitis, persistent coughing
Voice coaching:
- for presentations (voice projection & protection, pacing and breath control, advice on effective content management)
- for professional voice users (teachers, lecturers, clergy, receptionists, tour guides)
Please follow the links (left), or use my contact details (top left).
The Talking Lab

t 07456 569491
Registered with the
Health & Care Professions Council
Fully DBS (formerly CRB)-compliant
Member of the
Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists
Affiliated to ASLTIP, the Association of
Speech & Language Therapists in Independent Practice