The Talking Lab

Communication skills reablement
for Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Wiltshire

t 07804 802685

Are you booked to do a presentation or speech? Want to get the most out of your voice and feel totally in control? Then the Talking Lab can help.
Or maybe you do a fair bit of public speaking - after-dinner speeches, readings in church, lectures - but you've never had any training in looking after your voice.
I can offer one-to-one or group coaching, to help you control your nerves and your breathing, prevent voice strain, and even perfect your content - everything from how much to put in, to what speed to go, and what level of detail to aim for. The Talking Lab is your one-stop-shop for public speaking!
If you're not used to standing up in front of people (or even if you are!) it can be nerve-wracking. Nerves make you breathe in a more rapid, shallow pattern, which reduces the oxygen to your brain, so you don't think as well, and also makes you less able to support your voice. And if you're not trained in voice projection, you can easily make yourself hoarse. Luckily, with one, two or a few simple and enjoyable sessions, the Talking Lab can show you how to to it, reliably and with confidence - every time.

(c) Sian Green
(c) Sian Green
(c) Sian Green
And did you know...?
I not only teach it, I also do it! If you are looking for a speaker at a social event, some after-dinner comedy, or maybe a wedding reception toastmaster, please give me a call! See my other website